How Can You Support the Cheshire Children's Museum?"Where the children of today learn to become the community members and leaders of tomorrow."1. Monetary DonationMoney is the fuel that keeps our museum able to offer such an important space for our children to learn and grow here in Keene, NH. Use the donation box to make your appreciated monetary donation.
2. Become An Exhibit SponsorBe able to have your name on your favorite exhibit. Please contact the Museum to learn more about this special Sponsorship!
3. Share Your Time & Talents
Teach or entertain our youngest community members. The museum is always looking for individuals with fun and educational knowledge and experience for live demonstrations and hands-on experiences.
4. VolunteerVolunteering can be an incredible way to help give back to the Cheshire Children's Museum. Contact us to hear about our volunteer positions.
Donate Something From Our Wish List
As a Nonprofit, we are always in need of stationary, supplies and gadgets!
As a Nonprofit, we are always in need of stationary, supplies and gadgets!
Here is our current wish list: